The Efficient Leader

Practical Ideas You Can Use Today

Archive for the category “Leadership Trends”

Tapping into the Organization’s Brain Trust

What would you expect the impact on decision-making to be if additional, quality intel were available?

Would the decision be more solid? Would you be more confident that the best decision was made? Could this level of intel lead to desired results more quickly?

Who has the real-time, highest quality information on how things are operating on the floor, in the shop, in the field, or in the back office?

The operators, agents, sales people, and admins are the experts when it comes to how things are currently being run. Front Line Leaders and their directs have the best information on the current situation in key operational areas.

Tap into the brain trust of the employee base before making key decisions that affect daily operations to gain strategy-altering information. (And the best part may be that this strategy raises engagement levels.)

  1. Share with the team the process you will follow. This may include asking them to provide input and insight on a problem, provide potential solutions to a problem, or solve the problem and implement the solution.
  2. Provide the details of the problem to be solved or project to be completed.
  3. Depending on the level of input you desire, provide a facilitator to gather the information or provide project completion timeline
  4. Put boundaries in place so the outcomes of this very important strategy don’t backfire.

When properly executed, this strategy yields better decisions, which can lead to better outcomes in a more timely fashion, and employee engagement increases.

Copyright Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2020. All rights reserved.

Translating Tech-Talk So Everyone Can Understand

Every work group has its own lingo. Acronyms. Technical jargon. Euphemisms.

“After completing Process 919.2, we initiated the C.R.A. on the input.”

Say, what?

When you need to communicate (or sell) your ideas to persons outside your immediate work group, you most likely will need to translate certain concepts. Here are several ideas you can use today to ensure that your intended message is sent correctly. These ideas work well when creating slides, too.

1. Write the message as if you were saying it using your regular terminology.

2. Edit as if you were going to explain this concept to a 5th grader in story form. This is not to say that your audience has the IQ of a young child! This will help you explain it in simple terms so anyone can understand . . . especially those who don’t fathom your particular vernacular understand your terms. 🙂

3. Create an introduction by using a sentence or two to get their attention.  Ask yourself, “Why do they want or need to know this information?” Perhaps by knowing the info, they will be empowered to save 10 hours per month, save thousands of dollars on an upcoming project, or have more flexibility to get what they want. Asking a well articulated question that is focused on WIIFT (what’s in it for them) usually does the trick.

4. Explain the concept in story form, complete with beginning, middle and end. Use pictures. When using graphs with a non-technical audience, ensure they are simple to follow!

5. Prepare a conclusion based on the purpose of your presentation. If it is to inform, then summarize your concept in a sentence or two. If the purpose is to motivate people to take action, then state what you want them to do, indicating WIIFT. (On a slide, make it a short sentence at the bottom of the slide.)

6. Avoid using bullet points on slides.

When you translate your tech-talk so everyone understands, you will be in a much better position for the hearer to understand and gain the full advantage of your message!

Copyright Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2020. All rights reserved.


Before beginning a culture change process

I lived outside the US for nearly two years. While those were two of the most fascinating years of my life, I learned some difficult lessons about cultural differences. Even though we planned for two years prior to the move, one of the key takeaways was that I must adapt to the new norms or experience continual upheaval.

The same is true for those who seek to define or change the corporate culture.

Before embarking on a corporate culture shift, nearly every aspect of the current and desired (new) cultures must be examined. And this is simply the beginning! Here are a few key questions to consider as you begin the journey.

  1. Do all upper level executives support the change management initiative?
  2. What do they collectively believe their role in the process to be?
  3. “Culture” means “the way we do things around here.” Describe the desired (new) culture.
  4. What is driving the need to change the culture?
  5. Who is providing the direction for the new culture?
  6. How does the new culture differ from the previous one/s?
  7. How many different owners have held the current operation over the past 30 years?
  8. By group, what are the attitudes of senior leaders, mid-level managers, supervisors, leads, and employees toward the tenets of the new culture?
  9. How will each of these groups benefit from the new culture?
  10. How will the organization as a whole benefit from the new culture?
  11. What are the greatest obstacles in transitioning from the current culture to the desired one?
  12. If there is resistance from people, how deeply entrenched is it?
  13. If there is resistance, is it directed toward change in general or toward something specific about the new culture?
  14. What is the leadership style of each of the groups listed in #8 above? As it relates to the employee group, how do they go about influencing peers?
  15. What are the attitudes toward the necessary changes in each of these functional areas – HR, Continuous Improvement, Learning & Development, and any other areas that will be intimately involved in planning and implementing the changes?
  16. What are the primary challenges in leading this initiative?
  17. What is the level of difficulty for each of these challenges?

Which of these is most important to your organization’s culture?

© Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2013-2018. All rights reserved.

214.697.0242 | | Umberger Development Partners Inc.

When priorities are in stiff competition

“Too many people say their projects are urgent. So many projects, it’s hard to keep up. Sometimes I just do what’s on top of the stack.”

Here’s help for managing competing priorities.

Use these questions to put first things first.

Level 1:

How valuable is each task? When is the client’s deadline? (in-house or outside client)

Level 2:

Who is involved? What do they need in order to contribute more and be more effective?

Level 3:

How much time is needed? Do I need to train others to help?

Use these questions to gain perspective on your competing priorities. Then you can let go of the stress and get them done!

Copyright Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2013. All rights reserved.


How to be happier with your employees’ performance tomorrow

Sometimes the best continuous improvement project is to rejuvenate the people. To give them an opportunity to use their best gifts. To give them a chance to shine and feel great about their contributions.

When leaders are not happy with their employees’ performance, it’s time to re-focus on the people. Then what happens?

1. We achieved over $700,000 in future savings in the first quarter alone by putting into practice the concept of demonstrating to people that their ideas count, as we discussed in the leadership development program.

2. We project an estimated annual savings of over $25,000 by improving set up time.

3. By working together with another part of the plant, one of our team members was able to save the company roughly $4500.00 in parts and labor. He was told to perform the job a certain way and by using his experience and knowledge, he was able to come up with a more productive way to get the problem resolved. I sent senior management an email, breaking down what he had accomplished, and he was recognized at our quarterly meeting.

​​​​​​​​​4. In an effort to make changes and fix issues as part of the leader program, I learned more about the processes of one of our partners. I looked into it further and came to the conclusion that there was a way to eliminate over 24 hours of delayed time. The board accepted my proposal. This will be a savings of over $51,000 and that does not include the amount of money we will save in the process on our end.

5. By giving an employee the opportunity to move from Level 2 Delegation to Level 3, I estimate I will save about 1,000 man hours per year of my personal time.

If these are the kinds of results you want your employees to pursue, it’s time for a development program that walks them through the process of achieving these kinds of results!

Read more results . . .

Copyright Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2013. All rights reserved.

Great Continuous Improvement Strategy!

Respect for People. It’s certainly not a new concept. It’s one of the foundations of Continuous Improvement.

I think this excerpt does a good job of describing a problem sometimes associated with this strategy.

“The early Japanese literature on Just-In-Time and Toyota from the 1970’s & 1980’s emphasized
the human side of the system as one of two underlying themes: 1) Eliminating Waste and 2)
Respect for People. For a variety of reasons, the “respect for people” aspect was mostly
lost in transference to the West.1”

I’ve heard it said that respecting people “ought” to be second nature. In our experience, it simply is not at the top of everyone’s value list.

Here are a few practical ideas that I’ve seen work on the job at Fortune 50 to mid-sized manufacturing clients.

1. Leaders, acknowledge the people you meet in the hallway with eye contact, a nod, or a “good morning.”

2. Employees, don’t take part in bash-the-leader or criticize-the-company group conversations.

3. Ask people what they think rather than telling them “the real way it is” on opinionated matters.

4. Involve peers and employees in problem-solving. They are often the experts.

5. Inform the people who need to know. That’s usually not a small group.

While different cultures demonstrate respect in various ways, making an attempt to be courteous is likely to help move morale up a notch, which translates into momentum for Continuous Improvement!


1The Human Side of Lean Manufacturing website. Strategos
Consultants, Engineers, Strategos. Retrieved on December 7, 2010.

Copyright Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2013. All rights reserved.

Breaking Down Silos

“Silo mentality” behaviors are destructive within any size group, whether an entire corporation, a site, or department. People divide, withhold necessary information, compete with those with whom they are supposed to cooperate, and perhaps more damaging than anything, people gossip. While the short-term effects are very annoying, the long-term effects can be devastating.

So how can a group break down silos? We will focus on breaking down silos on a site leadership team (SLT) for the purposes of this article.

1. Teach the SLT the real definition of consensus: “Everyone agrees TO THE DEGREE that he/she will support the group’s decision.”

2. Engage all team members in creating the values by which SLT will operate.

3. Facilitate the process of the SLT creating a vision for site leadership that is consistent with the larger organization’s vision but crafted by the SLT.

4. To begin to boost appreciation for the unique experiences of one another, give each SLT member an opportunity to share with the rest of the team one of his/her greatest accomplishments and lessons learned.

5. Using a standard set of qualities needed on a team, ask each team member to assign 3 qualities to each team member and share the information with the entire team.

6. Get away from the site for a team-building day (or two) that includes training/coaching that utilizes experiential learning exercises, fun, and relaxation. Take plenty of pictures and post them where team member will see and remember.

7. At the right time, perhaps at the end of the off-site, ask each team member to share two characteristics he/she admires about every other team member. This should be the last activity of that day so people can remember what was said while they walk away, giving an opportunity to ponder.

8. Train the SLT on various problem-solving techniques, then allow them to solve real problems rather than solving every problem for them.

These are but a few of the techniques we have used throughout the last 20 years to help teams break down silos. Your additional comments are welcome!

Copyright Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2012. All rights reserved.

Facilitate the Planning Process…Rather Than Doing It All Yourself

Engage others by facilitating the planning process, rather than doing it all yourself.

Questions to Consider

1.   Whom will we involve (engage) in the planning process? Consider involving influencers from across the company/plant/area. Everyone involved in creating the Change Plan will want to know the following information:

(a)  What is the change? (part of the boundary)

(b)  What will be the effect on me? (one of the roots of motivation)

(c)   Why are we making this change? (one of the roots of motivation)

(d)  What am I to do? (part of the boundary)

(e)   How do I do what you want me to do? (“Freedom to do things my way within the boundary”)

If their inquiries are not answered satisfactorily, where will their attention remain? Where do we want their attention to go?

2.   What is the most effective method for rolling out the change?

3.   Who will do what by when?

4.   How will we measure progress and success?

5.   What resources will the Change Planners need?

6.   What could go wrong and how can we prevent it?

7.   What additional information or training do the Change Planners need?

The Foundation for Building Great Professional Relationships

Relating well with people begins by being a person of integrity . . . not a word used frequently in business settings. Here’s a working definition and practical ways to apply it to become a great leader.

 So What Is Integrity?

This word gets tossed around a lot but is often misunderstood. Here’s how Microsoft’s Encarta Dictionary defines it: “Possession of firm principles: the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards.”¹ To be a person of integrity, you must have firm principles and practice (adhere to) them. Those firm principles include high moral principles or professional standards.

Leaders seek out such people to follow and are mentored by them. Having mentors who fit this description is a key to becoming a great leader.

Ned Hatathli, the first Navajo to become an Educator, to earn a Ph.D. and the first President of Diné College, was a well-respected leader. Undoubtedly he was mentored by many during his traditional Navajo childhood as well as by instructors at Tuba City High School, Haskell Institute, the United States Navy, andNorthernArizonaUniversity. When he returned to the Navajo Reservation upon completing his formal education, Hatathli became a leader in the Diné  people’s movement toward greater economic and social opportunity.²  His followers joined in these causes.

Many U. S. Presidents have had mentors, including President Ronald Reagan. One such leader was Nobel laureate and economic advisor Milton Friedman.³ It is certain that the late President had many loyal followers.

Are you a person of integrity? Here are a few points to consider when seeking an honest answer to this important question.

  1. Do you seek to be a person of high morals and/or professional standards?
  2. Who would commend you as a person who believes in and practices high moral standards and/or high professional standards? Consider whether the persons you named hold to these same standards. If so, their opinion is more likely to be accurate.
  3. Who follows you simply because they admire the way you demonstrate your morals/standards by the life you live?

If you would like to improve in this area, consider these suggestions.

  1. Seek out someone whom you perceive to be a person of integrity and ask if they will be a mentor to you.
  2. Ask yourself what principles (values) guide you. Make a list of the top 6 – 10. What source determines these values? Is the source of the highest credibility? Of course you must align your behavior with the new values, not just your thinking, in order to become more of a person of integrity.
  3. Make a list of behaviors associated with the values you esteem and practice the behaviors.

To be a great leader – even a good one – inherently means there are people following you. People will only follow those with whom or to whom they can relate in a meaningful way. A key to building relationships is to begin by being a person of integrity!

If you know someone who may be interested in learning more about how to lead through integrity, we offer in-person or telephone coaching on this subject. Contact me at

¹ Encarta World English Dictionary [North American Edition). Microsoft Corporation:BloomsburyPublishing Plc., 2009. Retrieved March 4, 2010.

² Harrison Lapahie Jr. Navajo_Leaders_Right.cfm. Navajo Leaders. Retrieved March 4, 2010.

³ Greg Kaza. Going to School on Reaganomics: The late president knew his stuff. NRO Financial. Retrieved March 4, 2010.

© Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2010-12. All rights reserved.

Do you want leaders and employees to take more ownership over their work?

You are minding your own business, just standing on a platform like you do everyday . . . HO HUM . . .  when suddenly the platform is set ablaze! You see the fire. You feel the heat. It’s legitimate, you conclude. You examine your options and then take action. You jump.

jumping man

People need a reason to propel them to do things differently . . . but they need more than any reason. They need reason enough. They need a reason so compelling that, after examining it themselves to determine if they buy into the reason, they take ownership and begin considering their options.

Of course taking ownership isn’t so easy in every organization. Sometimes authority figures won’t give people the power to own their course of action, even within boundaries. At that point, people feel stifled. Their ideas don’t count. Their attention was at the point where they were ready to take action.  But if they can’t own part of the solution, their attention is likely to be diverted. “Let someone else put out the fire.” They get bored with acting like a robot. They lose focus. They lose morale.

Leaders who empower their workforce give people a chance to experience the freedom and fun that come with taking ownership (engaging), wean employees from having to be told what/how/when, remain patient when mistakes are made and refrain from pointing fingers, and celebrate wins with recognition and rewards.

But the change begins with a really compelling reason. Perhaps market conditions, perhaps a new law that negatively affects the business, or perhaps the leaders simply communicate realities unknown to the workforce in a compelling fashion, inspiring them to sit up and take notice. To buy-in. To engage mind and heart.

But take heed, when people believe their platform is burning, they are more likely to want to help put out the fire!

© Umberger Development Partners Inc., 2012-2018. All rights reserved.

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